Liddington Parish Council News


At the January meeting it was unanimously agreed that the Precept would need to be increased by 4 % for 2022/23 to maintain the level of service that has been achieved since the transfer of services from Swindon Borough Council in 2017. Our aim has been to carry out works and maintenance where it is most needed, and we hope you have seen an improvement.  This increase will mean that the annual precept for a Band D property will be £66.95, a rise of £2.58 per annum.   The Parish Council will continue to make every effort to ensure that the precept is no higher than is necessary and remains prudent and self-sustaining.


The landmark clump go trees on Liddington Hill is becoming a victim of its popularity. 

It can be seen from miles around, and once it reappears on a homeward journey many have that warm sense of safe arrival. The views it affords, and its natural sense of sanctity have made it a destination for those bidding farewell to departed loved ones through the scattering of ashes and varied memorial markings. Others use it as a picnic venue. The consequence is that discarded plastic and general rubbish have accumulated, and more alarmingly, damage to the famous trees has occurred. Insensitive use is compromising its future as a place of beauty and contemplation.

The site is of course on private land, but while the landowner is not seeking to fence it off, both The Liddington Parish Council and the landowner are keen to find ways to halt its deterioration.

I would be grateful for volunteers to join me having a clean-up session for a couple of hours one weekend soon, and to join in brainstorming ideas to encourage the visiting public to treat this special landmark with the respect and sensitivity it deserves. Let’s tread lightly to cherish the Liddington Hill Trees.

Please contact David Lomax on 07931 895044 if you can help.


Liddington & Wanborough Parish Council would like to hold a joint defibrillator training session for residents in Liddington and Wanborough Parish, prior to booking we would like to know who would like to attend, with a date to be confirmed once we know how many would come. So if you are interested in attending a training session please e-mail the Clerk at

So far four residents have shown an interest in attending the training session.


The Village has had a further two residents come forward to be respondents now meaning Liddington have five respondents. To give the village the best possible coverage, Liddington Parish Council are asking you to help more people in your neighbourhood survive a cardiac arrest by becoming a GoodSAM Cardiac Responder.


Liddington Parish Council invite residents’ ideas on how best to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee taking place in June. If you have an idea or suggestion, please contact the Clerk via


We currently still have one vacancy on the Parish Council and given that that Liddington is a small council, and especially with Covid still around, it has been a struggle to be quorate at times. That threatens our ability to meet and do business and places a greater burden on Councillors still standing.

To qualify you will need to have resided or had your principal place of work in the parish, or within 3 miles of it, during the whole of the 12 months prior to co-option. To find out more, please email the Clerk at  or alternatively, speak to one of our Councillors. 

The next meeting of Liddington Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 2nd February starting at 7pm in the Village Hall. Residents are welcome to attend, following current Government guidelines.

Alternatively, if you would like to raise an issue or ask a question, please contact the Clerk, via 

Laura Evans, Clerk to Liddington Parish Council