
Swindon Borough Council is required to pass a percentage of the total CIL receipts raised in a town/parish council area directly to the town or parish council where the development is taking place. This is known as the ‘meaningful proportion’.

Currently the percentage is set at 15% or, in areas where there is a neighbourhood development plan, the amount passed to the parish or town council is 25%.  Liddington Parish Council does not have an adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan.

To ensure transparency, each financial year, town or parish councils that have received funds must publish a summary of:

  • the total CIL funds received
  • what CIL funds have been spent on
  • the total amount of CIL funds retained at the end of the reported year and any previous years.


The latest CIL annual reports for Liddington Parish Council, can be viewed here:

Regulation 62A Monitoring Report for Liddington Parish Council 2017-2018

Regulation 62A Monitoring Report for Liddington Parish Council 2018-2019