
Parish Council Minutes

The parish council web site has the agenda for the next meeting, and the minutes of recent and all previous meetings.

Phone Box Defibrillator

We now have two defibrillators in the village. The second defibrillator has been installed and is fully operational in the repainted telephone box by the old Post Office in The Street.   The original defibrillator is located on the front of the village hall, on Church Road.

Joel Joffe Way

Consent has been approved by Swindon Borough Council for naming LN23 – WA2 footpath, from The Street Liddington leading north-west to Ham Road Joel Joffe Way . Named signposts are being positioned at each end to mark this public right of way in honour of his memory.

Notice of Public Rights

These documents must be made available to you by law. Enjoy!

Wanborough Handbell Group

Every year the group performs out & about at Christmas time, to both entertain, spread the Christmas spirit and raise funds for a local charity. Have you ever thought about trying handbell ringing? This is your opportunity to try something new.  Don’t worry, musical experience is not necessary, we ring by numbers!    It’s fun and very rewarding.   Why not give it a try? Our weekly practices start in September 2019, do join us. Call Nicky on 790904, Lynda on 790821 or check out our website on: