Liddington Parish Council News


At the January meeting it was unanimously agreed that the Precept would need to be increased by 4 % for 2022/23 to maintain the level of service that has been achieved since the transfer of services from Swindon Borough Council in 2017. Our aim has been to carry out works and maintenance where it is most needed, and we hope you have seen an improvement.  This increase will mean that the annual precept for a Band D property will be £66.95, a rise of £2.58 per annum.   The Parish Council will continue to make every effort to ensure that the precept is no higher than is necessary and remains prudent and self-sustaining.


The landmark clump go trees on Liddington Hill is becoming a victim of its popularity. 

It can be seen from miles around, and once it reappears on a homeward journey many have that warm sense of safe arrival. The views it affords, and its natural sense of sanctity have made it a destination for those bidding farewell to departed loved ones through the scattering of ashes and varied memorial markings. Others use it as a picnic venue. The consequence is that discarded plastic and general rubbish have accumulated, and more alarmingly, damage to the famous trees has occurred. Insensitive use is compromising its future as a place of beauty and contemplation.

The site is of course on private land, but while the landowner is not seeking to fence it off, both The Liddington Parish Council and the landowner are keen to find ways to halt its deterioration.

I would be grateful for volunteers to join me having a clean-up session for a couple of hours one weekend soon, and to join in brainstorming ideas to encourage the visiting public to treat this special landmark with the respect and sensitivity it deserves. Let’s tread lightly to cherish the Liddington Hill Trees.

Please contact David Lomax on 07931 895044 if you can help.


Liddington & Wanborough Parish Council would like to hold a joint defibrillator training session for residents in Liddington and Wanborough Parish, prior to booking we would like to know who would like to attend, with a date to be confirmed once we know how many would come. So if you are interested in attending a training session please e-mail the Clerk at

So far four residents have shown an interest in attending the training session.


The Village has had a further two residents come forward to be respondents now meaning Liddington have five respondents. To give the village the best possible coverage, Liddington Parish Council are asking you to help more people in your neighbourhood survive a cardiac arrest by becoming a GoodSAM Cardiac Responder.


Liddington Parish Council invite residents’ ideas on how best to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee taking place in June. If you have an idea or suggestion, please contact the Clerk via


We currently still have one vacancy on the Parish Council and given that that Liddington is a small council, and especially with Covid still around, it has been a struggle to be quorate at times. That threatens our ability to meet and do business and places a greater burden on Councillors still standing.

To qualify you will need to have resided or had your principal place of work in the parish, or within 3 miles of it, during the whole of the 12 months prior to co-option. To find out more, please email the Clerk at  or alternatively, speak to one of our Councillors. 

The next meeting of Liddington Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 2nd February starting at 7pm in the Village Hall. Residents are welcome to attend, following current Government guidelines.

Alternatively, if you would like to raise an issue or ask a question, please contact the Clerk, via 

Laura Evans, Clerk to Liddington Parish Council

Liddington Parish Council News


The Parish Council hopes that you have all had a relaxing and enjoyable break over Christmas. 2021 has been another difficult year for all and we sincerely hope that 2022 will be a better year, Happy New Year. 


The Village has had two residents come forward to be respondents now meaning Liddington have three respondents. To give the village the best possible coverage, Liddington Parish Council are asking you to help more people in your neighbourhood survive a cardiac arrest by becoming a GoodSAM Cardiac Responder.

GoodSAM works with ambulance services across the UK, alerting people trained in CPR to nearby cardiac arrests while an ambulance is on the way.

Key Information 

  • This is about helping people in your neighbourhood and you will only be alerted to cardiac arrests within a few hundred metres of where you live.
  • Most Cardiac Responders only receive 2 alerts a year.
  • You do not have to be “On-duty” to receive Cardiac Arrest notifications.
  • You are only asked to provide CPR and to use a defibrillator if one is available.
  • If you receive an alert and are unable to respond, that’s fine, the next nearest person will be alerted.
  • An ambulance will also be on the way.
  • The ambulance services control who they alert (staff; professionals; volunteers with first aid certification; self-certifying volunteers) and over what radius.

If you are interested in becoming a responder, please contact the Clerk via email at


Liddington & Wanborough Parish Council would like to hold a joint defibrillator training session for residents in Liddington and Wanborough Parish, prior to booking we would like an idea of who would like to attend, with a date to be confirmed once we know who is interested.  So if you are interested in attending a training session please e-mail the Clerk at 


Recently there has been an issue of the dog fouling signs being vandalised in the village, which is unacceptable behaviour, should anyone who witness such behaviour please telephone the Police on 101.


The Parish Council are currently looking into ways to make the monthly Parish Council meetings more accessible.The next meeting of Liddington Parish Council will be held on 5th January starting at 7pm in the Village Hall. Residents are welcome to attend, following current Government guidelines.

Laura Evans, Clerk to Liddington Parish Council

Liddington Parish Council News


With thanks to Beth’s Potting Shed at Wanborough for the Autumn/ Winter planting of the village trough, which looks beautiful.


This is a summary of our latest speed sign data showing the excessive speeds being experienced.  The full data is passed on to the police to assist in their planning appropriate times for speed checks.  The info is also provided to SBC Highways in the hope that they will provide us with necessary support


The next meeting of Liddington Parish Council will be held on 1st December starting at 7pm in the Village Hall. Residents are welcome to attend, following current Government guidelines.

Laura Evans, Clerk to Liddington Parish Council

Phone Box Defibrillator

We now have two defibrillators in the village.

The second defibrillator has been installed and is fully operational in the repainted telephone box by the old Post Office in The Street.

The original defibrillator is located on the front of the village hall, on Church Road.

Joel Joffe Way

Consent has been approved by Swindon Borough Council for naming LN23 – WA2 footpath, from The Street Liddington leading north-west to Ham Road Joel Joffe Way . Named signposts are being positioned at each end to mark this public right of way in honour of his memory.

Joel Joffe Memorial Unveiling

All residents are invited to attend the unveiling of the Joel Joffe Memorial in the Liddington

Village Hall on Saturday, October 9th at 12.30pm. 

This memorial consists of a framed and mounted 

collage of text and photos celebrating Joel’s life and work internationally , nationally , in Swindon and here in Liddington where he lived for over thirty years.

The memorial will be unveiled by Lady Joffe. Light refreshments will be served.

Please let David Lomax know if you would like to attend this event by emailing him : or telephoning him on 07931895044 by Friday, September 17th.

Become a Cardiac Responder and save a life in your community

The chances of surviving a cardiac arrest on the street is approximately 8%. In Heathrow Airport it is over 80%. That’s because air crew are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and there is a defibrillator at every other gate. 

Each minute without CPR following a cardiac arrest, reduces someone’s chance of survival by 10%. 

We are asking you to help more people in your neighbourhood survive a cardiac arrest by becoming a GoodSAM Cardiac Responder alongside your role as an NHS Volunteer Responder. 

GoodSAM works with ambulance services across the UK, alerting people trained in CPR to nearby cardiac arrests while an ambulance is on the way. We have over 100,000 Cardiac Responders who, between them, save many lives each year – and the more we have the more lives we can save. 

Our ambition is to have a Cardiac Responder on every street, which is why we are inviting all NHS Volunteer Responders who are trained in CPR, or would like to be, to sign up as GoodSAM Cardiac Responders. 

Register Here

Key Information

  • This is about helping people in your neighbourhood and you will only be alerted to cardiac arrests within a few hundred metres of where you live.
  • Most Cardiac Responders only receive 2 alerts a year.
  • You do not have to be “On-duty” to receive Cardiac Arrest notifications.
  • You are only asked to provide CPR and to use a defibrillator if one is available.
  • If you receive an alert and are unable to respond, that’s fine, the next nearest person will be alerted.
  • An ambulance will also be on the way.
  • The ambulance services control who they alert (staff; professionals; volunteers with first aid certification; self-certifying volunteers) and over what radius.
  • You will need to agree to our Code of Conduct.
  • More information can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions.

GoodSAM Cardiac Responders are managed by GoodSAM directly. But you will remain an NHS Volunteer Responder, able to accept tasks to fit around your lifestyle as you do now. 

Don’t worry if this is not for you. You will only be alerted to these medical emergencies if you sign up as a Cardiac Responder. 

To be alerted as a trained Cardiac Responder, you will be asked to upload evidence of first aid training such as a valid first aid certificate or workplace ID if CPR training is a condition of your employment, (eg doctor, nurse, police officer, fire fighter). If you haven’t been trained or don’t have an in-date certificate, you can still register, and we will be in touch with training opportunities shortly. You won’t receive Cardiac Responder alerts until you have been trained. 

Email GoodSAM at if you have any questions. 

GoodSAM has saved hundreds of lives through earlier CPR and defibrillator use. We hope you can join our fantastic community of Cardiac Responders and help save lives.

Register Here


A polite reminder that when out walking it is imperative to stick to the public footpaths edging the corners of fields. There are concerns for livestock due to dog fouling and loss of haymaking due to trampled grass from trespassing all over the field running adjacent to the East and South side of the Playing Field. Public access is confined to the public footpath edging the corner of the field between the style from the Playing Field and the Tins Footpath that runs from the field down to the main road opposite the gated path to Spinney Close.