
For Health and Relaxation

Friday Mornings, 9:30 – 12:30pm Year-round at Liddington Village Hall

Beginners and Improvers Classes

Each course of classes commences in September

Suitable for all ages and abilities

Friday mornings:   

                Improvers  9.30am &  11.00am

                Beginners   10.00am – 11.30pm

Fees:           £3.00 a class, paid monthly

Teacher:     Cyla Higley         

For further details contact:    Cyla on 01672 512807 or Molly on 01793 633815

The benefits of Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a Chinese discipline which originated at least six centuries ago. It was developed as a way to improve health, but when speeded up it also becomes a form of self defence. The form of Tai Chi I practise is also a form of moving meditation. As you need to stay focused for the twenty minutes it takes to perform a set, all thoughts of going to Waitrose afterwards get pushed aside.

The moves aim to gently correct your posture and increase flexibility in your joints, especially your back. All of your major muscles and ligaments are slowly stretched, making them more elastic. This means that practising Tai Chi can generally relieve muscle pain and improve your muscle tone. This combination can help to relieve back pain and improve your joints. And where there is increased muscle tone, improved bone strength and density will naturally follow, naturally helping to fend off osteoporosis. .

There are also moves, with lovely names such as ‘Cockerel stands on one leg’, that are based on balancing. They help to strengthen your instep and improve your general stability. They also encourage greater weight bearing in the bones of your legs and stronger thigh muscles.

If you would like to see Tai Chi in action you are welcome to join us on a Friday morning at Liddington Village Hall. Our group is quite informal and welcomes all ages and abilities.

We all have fun working together.  Cyla.