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Want to have fun, get out of your comfort zone, stretch yourself?

Scottish Country Dancing has it all.

We love helping beginners because we were there ourselves. Just pitch up at a session with low, soft-soled shoes and loose comfortable clothing. We’ll have you dancing in no time.

You’ll be all over the place at first, but you’ll be laughing within minutes, and we’ll be laughing with you. See it as flirting, flirting at speed: hand holding, bumping, getting your right and left mixed up. It’s a hoot!

After a couple of lessons, you'll be Lord or Lady of the Dance:

I danced in the morning
when the world was begun,
and I danced in the moon
and the stars and the sun . . . 


Thursday 19:45 until 22:00 in Liddington Village Hall. Your first session is free. £6 for future sessions. Couldn’t be easier.

Bring a partner or come on your own. Scottish Country Dancing is all about mixing.


If you’d like to have a chat first, email Lynda Hughes and she’ll call you back.