
A survey of traffic speeds on the B4192 through the village was conducted by Swindon Borough Council between the 18th and 25th of September 2016. Speed monitoring equipment was placed on the 30mph signs at both the Aldbourne and Commonhead (Swindon) ends of the village. A third measurement location was placed at the junction of Church Road. According to the traffic management department at SBC, the results of the survey at Church Road indicate average speeds are within the enforcement threshold for the posted speed limit. The speeds of traffic at both edges of the village are higher than desirable, particularly at the Commonhead end.

Aldbourne end5 Day Avg Speed5 Day 85%ile Speed
North-westbound36.2 mph43.2 mph
South-eastbound39 mph45.3 mph
Church Road
North-westbound32.2 mph37.8 mph
South-eastbound33 mph39.5 mph
Commonhead end
North-westbound39.4 mph45.7 mph
South-eastbound39.1 mph47.1 mph
NOTE The 85th percentile speed means that 85% of cars are travelling below this speed and therefore 15% are at higher speeds.